Monday, November 19, 2007

Sun Secure Global Desktop 4.4 download available

The new Sun Secure Global Desktop version 4.4 is available for download !

Feature headlines fro this version:

  • New web-based Management Console

  • Solaris 10 Trusted Extensions as an SGD client, SGD server and application server platform

  • VDI support with MyDesktop

  • Windows client Roaming Profile support

  • Idle Timeout

  • Server rename

Download SSGD 4.4

As stated before the documentation for this version can be found on the Sun Documentation website. The documentation can also be downloaded from

More information

Special thanks to Andy Hall

for providing this information

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Adding new icons for SSGD Applications

Sun Secure Global Desktop comes standard with a couple of application icons.

Most users do not really care about the icon in front of the Application name, but there are some who are more visually focussed then textual. For the latter (and also for the other users) it would be nice to add new icons to SSGD.

New icons can be added to SSGD. This means every application can have its own normal icon if that icon is not in the default set of icons.

The following text may require knowledge of the Solaris/Linux Operating System.

Adding a new icon to SSGD can only be performed by the root-user of the SSGD server (hopefully the new version of SSGD, 4.40, will have a nice feature for adding icons).

Instructions for adding a new icon (version 4.2/4.3/4.31):

  1. Create an icon with size 20x20 with 256 or 16bit colour in gif or jpg format

  2. Copy the icon to the SSGD server (via scp/ftp or alike)

  3. As root copy the icon to the following location:

  4. make sure the group ttaserv has read permissions on the icon
    chgrp ttaserv <iconname>;chmod g+r <iconname>

It is now possible to set the icon-name for the application via the command line:
/opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella object edit
--name <end_objectname> --icon <iconname>

Changing icons via the Object Manager is also possible. Just copy the icon file to the following location and restart the Object Manager.

(This will also make the icon available for the classic webtop)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

SSGD, external/peer dns names and IP-addresses

When looking at the documentation and the configuration of Sun Secure Global Desktop it can be confusing to see several references to DNS names and sometimes IP-addresses. I hope this post will bring some light on which is which and help to understand when to use which name or IP-address.

The following picture shows the naming of the different Network Interfaces. The "External" refers to the connection between the client and the SGD server and the "Peer" to the connection between the SGD server and the other SGD server within the SGD Array.

First the DNS names. There are two important DNS-entries, the Peer DNS Name and the External DNS Name. These can be the same in a simple installation, but mostly they will be different.

  • Peer DNS Name
    "A Peer DNS Name is the DNS name that the Secure Global Desktop servers in the array use to identify themselves and each other."

    This is the main DNS entry of the SGD server and specified during installation. This DNS-entry is also used during the communication with other SSGD servers in a SSGD Array. (Both forward and reverse DNS-entries should be available on all SSGD Servers in the SSGD Array). The Peer DNS name can not be changed after installation.

  • External DNS Name
    "An external DNS name is the DNS name that the client devices use."

    The External DNS name is used at the client, therefor the client must be able to resolve the external DNS name. This is also the name for the SSL certificate (when using secure connections). The External DNS name is not used at the SSGD server or within the SSGD Array.

    The external DNS name can be changed via the Array Manager or via the command:
    /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella config edit \
    --server-dns-external "*:<external dns name>"

Besides the Peer DNS name and External DNS name there are also the Peer Bind IP-Address and the External Bind-IP-Address. After installing the Sun Secure Global Desktop the Peer Bind IP-Address and the External Bind-IP-Address is set to all available IP-Addresses ("*") of the system. For complex installations it is advisable to change this to the IP-addresses of the different Network Interfaces.

  • Peer Bind IP-Address
    This IP-address is the IP-address of the Secure Global Desktop server. When the Peer DNS Name is resolved it should resolve to this IP-address and visa versa. It is possible to bind the SSGD software to multiple IP-addresses, one of these addresses should resolve to the Peer DNS Name. Use the following command to change the Peer Bind IP-Address:
    /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella config edit \
    --tarantella-config-server-bindaddresses-peer \
    <Peer Bind-IP-Address>

  • External Bind-IP-Address
    The SGD software will listen on this IP-address(es) for the client connections. This IP-address can be different from the IP-address after resolving the external-dns-name, since there might be a Load Balancer or SSL-offloader between the client and the SGD server. To change the External Bind-IP-Address use the following command:
    /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella config edit \
    <External Bind-IP-Address>

When using the SGD Server in Firewall Forwarding Mode a good practice is to change the External Bind-IP-Addresses with the following command:
/opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella config edit \

The SGD Web erver tries to bind to port 443 (the array-portencrypted) on localhost as well. Excluding this for the SGD server changes the dependency of the web server being started before the SGD server.

I hope this enlightens the different DNS names and IP-Addresses a bit, if not let me know :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sun released SGD 4.4 Documentation.

SUN has released the documentation of the new Sun Secure Global Desktop 4.4.

Besides some small neat new features (like 'Automatic Timeout of Idle User Sessions' and 'Support for Solaris 10 OS Trusted Extensions') the biggest change will be the Administration Console. Up till version 4.3 management of SSGD is done with the Object Manager and the Array Manager. Version 4.4 has the new Web based Console.

The SGD Administration Console is now a single point of administration and is dynamic. For instance, when logging in to the SGD Administration Console you can directly see which servers are up and running and how many webtop and application sessions are running on each server.

More on the new SSGD version in later posts. Look at the release notes of SGD 4.4 if you can't wait :)

The new documentation be found here.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sun Ray and SSGD locations

The Thin Guy started a user map using Frappr! This is a nice way to see who is using Sun Ray or Sun Secure Global Desktop or both :)

Add yourself and see both products are being used from New Zealand till Hawaii :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Organize objects with Groups

Configuring Sun Secure Global Desktop Applications in small environments (like at home) is very simple. It is easy to see which application is linked to which user and will run at which host.

When the amount of applications, host and/or users grow it can become quite a mess and rather unmanageable. For example adding an extra application server to run the same applications as an other application server (for load balancing purposes) the new application server needs to be added to all the applications.

Fortunately SSGD has Group objects. Group objects can be used to group all different types of SSGD objects (hosts, applications, application servers, profiles and groups). The SSGD groups can be seen as a container to put the objects in and it does not look at the type. It is possible to create a group with different types objects. However to keep everything easy try add only objects of the same type to the group and add the object type to the group name (like WinTermServGrp, FinanceApps or HelpdeskUsers).

Looking at the example above and the knowledge of having groups the example can be made easier to manage and keep everything well organized.

  1. First create a group (ie: AppServGrp)
  2. Add the 'old' application server to the group
  3. Replace the link from all the applications to the 'old' application server with the group (AppServGrp)
If you want to add a new application server to all same the applications running on the 'old' application server the only step to take is:
  1. Add the 'new' application server to the group (AppServGrp)
Because it is possible to group different types of objects a lot of possibilities are available to organize the objects well ordered, manageable and very easy :)

Don't forget to use the Organizational Units (OU) to organize the Objects as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Customizing the SSGD wait screen Look and Feel

The first thing a user sees when he/she accesses the SSGD environment is a web page with a scrolling orange dot ('splash screen'). This screen is presented for a couple of seconds before it changes to the 'log on' screen.

The 'splash screen' is a very simple html-page which contains an animated gif image (the orange dot). This web page can easily be changed by following these steps:

  1. Create your own 'splash screen' page in html with your favorite web page editor
    (It is wise to have some sort of animation in it to give your users the feeling there is still progress in setting up the SSGD connection)
  2. Copy the html code into a text editor (vi,Notepad/Textpad/Ultraedit or alike)
  3. Remove everything except the part between <body> and </body>
  4. Replace all image locations to <%= path %>
    is changed to
    <%= path %>image.gif
  5. Add the following lines at the top:
    <%@ page errorPage="/resources/jsp/errorpage.jsp" %>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
    <%@ include file="/attributes.jsp" %>
    <%@ include file="/resources/jsp/utilities.jsp" %>
    String path = getContextPath(request) + "/resources/images/splash/locale=";
    path = path + getBestSupportedLocale(request) + "/";
  6. Copy the new html(/jsp)-code to the file splash.jsp:

  7. Copy all images used in the page to:

To make sure the new 'splash screen' is available clear the browser cache and enjoy your new page :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Secure Internet Access

When looking at almost all information about Sun Secure Global Desktop (SSGD) it seems that SSGD is only used for access to applications from the Internet which are normally only accessible via the intranet (from within the office). But SSGD can do more ...

The common way to use SSGD is to access applications running on different types of application servers (Windows 2000/2003, *nix, mainframe and more) from the Internet (any device, any time, any place).

SSGD is designed to perform the task of bringing office applications in a secure way to the Internet, but SSGD can also bring Internet to the office :)

Sometimes you might come across a company where access to the Internet is not allowed because of multiple reasons, the most common are:

  • Viruses can be installed on the workstation
  • Key-loggers can be installed on the workstation
  • Security leaks in applications (think of a leak in MSN)
  • Installation of insecure applications (for instance: ActiveX components)
There are ways to find solutions for these security issues like installing a proxy, a content/spam/virus filter/scanner, a application firewall (ISO/OSI up to level 7 ) , a messaging gateway. But there is one simple thing which is hard to handle. An employee can simply copy/paste information from a company application to a messenger (MSN/ICQ) or attach documents to a message via an external webmail application.

For all the above issues SSGD can be the solution!

The users can access a browser with access to the internet via SSDG on some sort of 'browser'-host. This 'browser'-host can be a stripped down OS (Windows 2003 or *nix) with only a browser and a couple of readers/plugins (Office readers, PDF viewer, quicktime player, shockwave player, etc). Without Client Drive Mapping and copy/paste to the 'browser'-host turned off, there is no direct way to leak information to the internet.

In this scenario is it impossible for an hacker to get access to the employees workstation. Think for instance about a key-logger. When a key-logger is accidentally downloaded form the internet it can only be installed on the 'browser'-host. The key-logger can 'read' passwords for the web-applications accessed via the 'browser'-host, but it can not 'read' any password on the employees workstation. So no password can be logged for all company applications.

Virtualization can be used to enhance the security of the 'browser'-host. When using for instance VMWare ESX 'reinstalling' the 'browser'-host can be done within minutes, just clone a new virtual machine from a template. This 're-installation' can be done every night or even dynamical when using tools like the VDA-Kit.

Think creative and see the many senario's where SSGD can be a solution and solve issues :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Customizing the Webtop Look and Feel

Most customers like the fact that is quite easy to change the Look and Feel (L&F) of SSGD. Changing the L&F is not not that easy as changing the template of a weblog or a portal, but with a bit of knowledge of HTML the changes can be made in the webtop-pages.

The first change I normally do at a customer site is replace the SUN logo in the left top corner of the webtop:

To change this logo create a new logo image (size: 242 x 77 px) and place this file in the following location:


Next edit the file:


On line 95 change the filename of the Sun Logo (sgdLogo.gif) with the filename of the new company logo.

After the topFrame.jsp has been saved a refresh of the complete webtop page within the browser the new logo will appear.

In future post I will try to describe more simple small changes which can be made to the webtop. Changing the splash-screen during logon is amongst this list I have in my mind. When someone wants to know how to make other changes please write a comment on this post.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Change double click behaviour on SSGD application

This post contains information for administrators who present the browser based webtop (version 4.x and higher) to their users and the users are using Internet Explorer.
(If someone can make this work for other browsers as well I will be very happy to recieve that sollution)

When a users starts an application from a normal Windows Desktop he/she needs to double click the application icon. I have seen many users doing the same (double click) with the application icon on the SSGD webtop. Since the double click is not implemented on the webtop the browser treads this behaviour as clicking the link twice and therefor SSGD will try to start the application twice.

Looking a bit deeper into SSGD the click on an application icon results in a signal to the tcc.exe to start a new application session. When the tcc.exe has started the application session it will give a signal back to the webtop refresh the application list. This step normally takes one to two seconds. When during those one or two seconds an other click on the icon occurs a new signal is given to the tcc.exe. This second click may not be valid when the limit of applications for this application has been reached. This will result in an error 'Error - Launch failed'.

I have been searching for a sollution and found a simple sollution. But this sollution only works for Internet Explorer. (I have tested this with Mozilla as well, but Mozilla treads javascript a bit different.)

A small adaption of the webtop can be made to disable the application link after it has been clicked and enable it again when the application list has been refreshed.
This adaption can be done by changing one single file: webtop.jsp

The changes below will change the behaviour of the webtop in the following manner:
When a users starts an application the webtop will not allow the users to start/resume/suspend the same application again until the webtop application list has been refreshed.
It will still be possible to start multiple different applications.

The file location of webtop.jsp can differ between different SSGD versions. For SSGD version 4.3 the location is:


The location for version 4.2 is:

Changes in javasctript of the webtop.jsp are:

add array link_active_names (contains the already started applications
add variable link_counter = 0 (contains the number of applications in the array)
Add function ActivateLink(..) (being called when an application starts)
Change function OnKeyPress(..) (return false when the application has already been started)

Changes have to be made on all the function calls (8 times) to OnKeyPress(..). The name of the applcation link has to be added as the first parameter.
Changes have to be made on the application links which start a new application (4 times). The OnClick events must also call the ActivateLink() function.

The actual code for these changes are:

Replace the function OnKeyPress in the webtop.jsp

var link_counter = 0;
var link_active_names = new Array();
function ActivateLink( linkname )

link_active_names[link_counter] = linkname;
link_counter = link_counter + 1;
function OnKeyPress( linkname, event, url, target, toggleTarget, resumeOpt, toggleResumeOpt )
var newurl;

var disable_link = 0;
for (i=0;i<link_active_names.length;i++)
if (link_active_names[i] == linkname)
disable_link = 1;

if (disable_link==0) {
if (window.event)
ctrl = window.event.ctrlKey;
shift = window.event.shiftKey;
else if (event)
ctrl = event.ctrlKey;
shift = event.shiftKey;
ctrl = false;
shift = false;

if (ctrl && shift)
newurl=url+"&toggledisplay=true&forceauthentication=true"+toggleResumeOpt;, toggleTarget);
else if (ctrl)
newurl=url+"&toggledisplay=true"+toggleResumeOpt;, toggleTarget);
else if (shift)
newurl=url+"&forceauthentication=true"+resumeOpt;, target);
return true;

if (window.event)
else if (event)

return false;

All the function calls changes in the webtop.jsp are shown via a diff between the old 4.3 version of the webtop.jsp and the changed webtop.jsp:

< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>')" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><img src="<%= getIconGif(icon) %>" alt="<%= displayname %>" border="0" width="20" height="20"></a>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>');ActivateLink('<%= displayname %>');" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><img src="<%= getIconGif(icon) %>" alt="<%= displayname %>" border="0" width="20" height="20"></a>
< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>')" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><%= displayname %></a></p>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>');ActivateLink('<%= displayname %>');" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><%= displayname %></a></p>
< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>">Session <%= i.toString(sess_no++)%></a>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>">Session <%= i.toString(sess_no++)%></a>
< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>"><img src="<%= getWebtopGif("play.gif")%>" alt="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" title="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" width="12" height="10" hspace="2" border="0" align="absmiddle" id="Resume"></a>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>"><img src="<%= getWebtopGif("play.gif")%>" alt="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" title="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" width="12" height="10" hspace="2" border="0" align="absmiddle" id="Resume"></a>
< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>')" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><img src="<%= getIconGif(icon) %>" alt="<%= displayname %>" border="0" width="20" height="20"></a>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>');ActivateLink('<%= displayname %>');" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><img src="<%= getIconGif(icon) %>" alt="<%= displayname %>" border="0" width="20" height="20"></a>
< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>')" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><%= displayname %></a></p>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= launchUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '<%= resumeOpt %>', '<%= toggleResumeOpt %>');ActivateLink('<%= displayname %>');" href="<%= launchUrl + resumeOpt %>" target="<%= target %>" title="<%= toolTip %>"><%= displayname %></a></p>
< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>">Session <%= i.toString(sess_no++)%></a>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>">Session <%= i.toString(sess_no++)%></a>
< <a onclick="OnKeyPress(event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>"><img src="<%= getWebtopGif("play.gif")%>" alt="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" title="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" width="12" height="10" hspace="2" border="0" align="absmiddle" id="Resume"></a>
> <a onclick="OnKeyPress('<%= displayname %>', event, '<%= resumeUrl %>', '<%= target %>', '<%= toggleTarget %>', '', '')" href="<%= resumeUrl %>" target="<%= target %>"><img src="<%= getWebtopGif("play.gif")%>" alt="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" title="<%=getWebtopString("I0_AltResume")%>" width="12" height="10" hspace="2" border="0" align="absmiddle" id="Resume"></a>

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Configure Windows Application in SSGD

Before configuring a Windows Application make sure the application is running on the Windows Application Server (Windows Terminal Server).

  1. First connect to the Windows Terminal Server directly via RDP with an RDP Client.
  2. Start a command prompt (Start->Run->cmd.exe)
  3. cd to the directory from where the application must be started (Startup Directory)
  4. start the program (Application Command Line)
If the application starts you are ready to configure the application in SSGD. First prepare the parameters used in SSGD:
  • Split the Application Command Line in "Application Command" and "Arguments for Command"
    • The Application Command is the first part of the Application Command Line until the extention exe, bat, com, vbs (and alike)
    • The remainder of the Application Command Line are the Arguments for the Command
    • Replace in both the \ with a double \\, So c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe will be c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe
  • The protocol arguments are: -dir "Startup Directory" (with the \ replaced by \\)
    For example: -dir "c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\"

Configure the application in SSGD. This can be done in several ways. In this example I will use the command line:

tarantella object new_windowsapp \
--name ".../_ens/o=organization/cn=WindowsApplication" \
--width 1000 --height 800 \
--app Application Command \
--args Arguments for Command \
--protoargs "-dir Startup Directory" \
--appserv ".../_ens/o=organization/cn=ApplicationServerName"

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Introduction to Sun Secure Global Desktop

It should be wise to start this blog with a small introduction of Sun Secure Global Desktop (SSGD).

In 2005 Sun Microsystems bought the company Tarantella and renamed the product Tarantella Secure Global Desktop to Sun Secure Global Desktop. Tarantella was by then almost 10 years old and was started as a small project within Santa Cruz Operation. The goal of this project was

"any application, any client, anywhere":
to provide access to applications of any type (hosted on back-end servers) from any client device that supported a Java-enabled web browser.

Source: Wikipedia

The current version of Sun Secure Global Desktop is version 4.31 released in May 2007 still has the same goal. When looking a the main product picture of SSGD all the objectives of the goal are still visible:

Besides the full list of features SSGD can be easily modified, extended and incorporated.
I have the intention to elaborate on these modifications, extensions and incorporations within this blog.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Start of the Virtual Desktops Blog

This is the start of a new blog. The main purpose of this blog will be to share information about Virtual Desktops mostly based on Sun Secure Global Desktop (formally known as Tarantella).

My current position within the organization Everett is Senior Technical Consultant Secure Platform Services. Besides having a broad focus I am also trying to specialize in the field of Secure Remote Access. To become a Premier Solution Provider of Tarantella we (Everett) performed the Tarantella Certification Training, which I attended in 2004. After this training I have done multiple totally different Tarantella projects. During those days Everett was also partner of Sun Microsystems, so after Sun bought Tarantalla, we knew the product and the new owner of the product. After this sell we still are doing many projects with the newly named product Sun Secure Global Destop.