Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oracle Secure Global Desktop 4.6 Screenshots

Although Oracle Secure Global Deskop (OSGD) 4.6 is the first Oracle release of the product and Oracle re-branded the Look and Feel, the new release contains some very good innovations. More on these changes (like Automatic Recovery after Array Failover, Dynamic Launch and Dynamic Drive mapping) in later posts. This post contains a few screen shots of OSGD 4.6 to show the new colors.

To start the list of screen shots the Login page:

Login Screen

My personal favorite is the Splash-screen. The screen that looks to control the login-procedure, but in fact it contains a subtle animated-gif. The real work is done in an invisible page on the background.
Splash Screen

And then after login to OSGD the Webtop. The main page of the product for all users, where the user applications can be started/controlled.
OSGD Webtop

There are more screens which have been re-branded, in fact all the screens of both the Webtop and the Web Admin GUI contain the new Look&Feel, but it will be too much for this post to shown them. There is however one small thing to show: The 'new' session names:
New session names
In the former versions the sessions were named like: Session 1, Session 2, etc. Changing these to timestamps make it much easier to identify the sessions :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Oracle Secure Global Desktop 4.6

As stated in the beginning of this year Oracle has committed to keep Secure Global Desktop alive. With the release of the new Oracle SGD 4.6 they show to not only keep the product, but also continue in the development :)

"The new capabilities delivered in Oracle Secure Global Desktop 4.6 underscore our focus on making applications easier to deploy, manage and support in virtualized datacenter environments."
Wim Coekaerts, senior vice president, Linux and Virtualization Engineering, Oracle

Oracle Secure Global Desktop 4.6 has been released on September 10, 2010 and can be downloaded via the 'old' Sun Download Site.

Documentation of OSGD 4.6 (Oracle document collection):

Oracle Secure Global Desktop 4.6 is the latest of many new desktop virtualization products and capabilities recently announced including new releases of Oracle VM VirtualBox, Sun Ray Software and Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. This demonstrates Oracle’s continued commitment to providing a comprehensive desktop to datacenter portfolio.