Saturday, May 24, 2008

Some lesser know extras of Sun Secure Global Desktop

There are some extra features of Sun Secure Global Desktop (SSGD) which are only known to a few SSGD Administrators. It is my intention to post information on these features on this blog.

Today I will start with a set of pages for Administrators and SSGD Developers and explain what their function is.

If you have SSGD installed take a look at:


On the URL above the following subdirectories are visable:

  • apitest; Pages for developers to test SSGD API calls,

  • checker; A simple reloading page to see who is logged on,

  • configmgr; The old configuration wizard (used to be available on the Administrator webtop),

  • datastore; a very simplistic view of all the object in the datastore (nice for Developers),

  • loaddist; Contains the swcd.jsp, which is a software based SSGD Loadbalancing script (I will surely post more on this one in a separate post),

  • printman; Shows the printqueue of SSGD,

  • profiles; Create or edit the profiles for the current user,

  • sessman; The old SSGD Session Manager,

  • sessmgr; A simple (not reloading page) to see who is logged on,

  • sessxml; Also a simple (not reloading page) to see who is logged on<./LI>

Most of these pages require an SSGD Administrator to log on before they show information. Normal users are unable to get more information then they get on theire normal webtop.

Although it is save to have these webpages open on the internet I want to suggest to disable access to these pages or completely remove them from your system (a move of teh directory "/opt/tarantella/webserver/tomcat//webapps/sgd/admin" to "/tmp" will do as well).

More on these extra lesser known features in later posts.

(PS: Sorry for the 3 month silence not posting to my blog. I will do my best to make sure this won't happen again.)

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